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7 Common But Killer Mistakes to Avoid in Web Designing

Web designing is becoming more effortless and designer-friendly day by day. Multiple web designing services and tools are available in the market to help designers build beautiful and robust websites in minimal time and cost. Owing to this effortlessness, there has been a boost in the craze of building corporate and personal websites, creating more competition.

A successful website must be unique, have good content, have seamless performance, and have a user-friendly interface. Thousands of websites are launched daily, but only a few succeed. Web designers make many common but deadly mistakes that often end up killing their dreams of building profitable websites.

In this post, we will discuss seven killer mistakes designers often make that lead website to failure. So, let's move forward and discuss these mistakes in detail.


1. Improper or undefined structure:

Improper or undefined structure of the webpage and its contents is a common mistake found in almost every failed website. A good website's content has a clearly defined structure where proper labels like H1, H2, and H3 are placed. A webpage with an undefined structure not only makes the content harder to comprehend but also makes it harder to navigate. 

An undefined structure makes it difficult for the screen readers to navigate through the contents and translate them for the readers. This, therefore, makes it difficult for virtually challenged people to access the contents of your website, which in turn leads to significant audience loss. Hence a website must have a clearly defined structure. 


2. Longer loading time:

The load time of websites is inversely proportional to their conversion rates. The lower the load time, the higher the conversion rate, and vice versa. Hence to create a successful website that generates better profit and higher traffic, it needs to have a lower loading time. Several mistakes, such as unoptimized images, lower bandwidths, and a larger number of elements per page than necessary, end up increasing the load time of the websites. 

Unoptimized images refer to ones added on pages having larger sizes and no alt attribute or tags. Adding unnecessary elements only adds up to longer load times. Hence, the developers need to take necessary steps such as limiting the usage of elements, optimizing the images using various internet tools, and improving website bandwidth to lower the load time and improve the conversion rates. 


3. Non-responsive design:

A responsive web design enables websites to appear and function the same, no matter the size of the display or the device. Whether it is a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, the look, feel, and functioning of the website will be no different. But in contrast, web designers often choose a non-responsive design for multiple reasons, such as monetary and time constraints. Choosing non-responsive designs, no matter the reason, is always a big mistake in this competitive world. 

Non-responsive designs make websites appear different on different screens, sometimes cutting out the significant parts of the pages, thus leading to a poor user experience. According to reports, 73.1% of designers think that a non-responsive design is the top reason most visitors leave the website. Hence, investing time and money in responsive web designs is worth it to provide a better user experience and build a beneficial website.


4. Too many ads for monetary ambitions:

Another common mistake web designers make is putting a lot of advertisements on pages. Most websites add advertisements for various kinds of businesses on their pages to earn profits by charging them. These ads can either be static or can appear as pop-ups. Soon as companies understood the power of the internet and the importance and need of online marketing, websites became the most common and ideal media. 

These ads are one of the most significant sources of income for websites, and designers tend to put a lot of them on their pages to earn higher profits. Many ads and pop-ups on a page can irritate the users, which often leads to them leaving the website. To effectively solve this problem, designers need to add only profitable and quality ads to a limited extent that assist their monetary ambitions and, simultaneously, not annoy the users.


5. Too many images and less content:

According to Hubspot, approximately 84.6% of web designers think that crowded web design is the most common and killer mistake by small businesses. Crowded design refers to putting a lot of images, videos, and visual elements on the website to cover up for less content.

Content creators tend to add too many images to make the web page look more interactive and appealing. More often, pages end up with less content compared to the number of images. This is a very harmful practice that not only affects the website's credibility but also makes it look unprofessional.


6. Poor page titles:

SEO ranking and a website's position on SERP results are the most crucial parameters that affect the success of a website. A good title gives direction to the users about what the page contains and is made of solid keywords. Poor page titles, which often lack important keywords and direction, lead to a lack of visibility for search engines and poor performance on SERP results. 

Keywords obtained following in-depth keyword research should be used on titles as they improve the page's visibility for search engines. Titles made up of the right keywords improve the chances of it appearing in a better position in SERP results by improving the keyword ranking. Hence not creating an appropriate and strong page title is a big mistake that can degrade the SEO ranking and visibility of the site.


7. Absence of feedback column:

When it comes to eCommerce and corporate websites, listening to customers' queries and feedback is very important for building credibility, trust, and reputation. The best way to know what the customers or visitors think about your website or the products displayed on the website is by providing them with a feedback column and answering their queries from time to time.

Due to this, it is considered good practice to add feedback columns at the end of every service page on a website or in any position where people can easily find them. But some designers often forget or devalue the need to add the feedback column to the website. This creates a situation where the customer or audience feels unheard, thus making them leave the website and look for the same service on other websites or business pages where they feel heard. 



Today in this competitive world, people have various choices and options to choose from when it comes to buying products and services or gathering information from websites. For your website to stand out and for people to prefer it, it needs to be unique, performs better than competitors, and be accessible to all. 

In this post, we listed seven common but deadly mistakes designers often make that lead to unsuccessful websites. Designers need to know these mistakes and learn how to address them to create websites that perform better.

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